When individuals and families live in and maintain safe suitable housing their health, social and economic conditions will improve.
The Housing Support Program is a proactive and preventative program that focuses on assisting hard-to-house or homeless individuals and families with finding and maintaining safe, suitable housing in Yorkton.
The program’s mission is to decrease barriers that these individuals face.
Support, referrals and resources are provided to tenants and housing providers to address issues and to promote a successful tenancy.
Training and workshops on various housing related topics are offered within the community.
This program is open to hard-to-house or homeless individuals and families seeking healthy, safe, suitable housing in Yorkton.
Please call 306-783-0006 during regular business hours between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment.
Please note: calendars may change due to circumstances over which we have no control.
Changes are posted on Facebook and Instagram @signyorkton.
Please note: calendars may change due to circumstances over which we have no control.
Changes are posted on Facebook and Instagram @signyorkton.
In Yorkton, where there are no homeless encampments, it would be tempting to think that it's one problem we don’t have to deal with. But that would be a mistake.
Most of us may not see it every day, or at all, but homelessness happens in Yorkton just as it does in larger cities. The people who work with the homeless and deal with it on a daily basis are well aware of the issue, and have some very definite ideas about what could and should be done about it.
We talked to Angela Chernoff, the co-ordinator of Bruno’s Place on Dominion Avenue, an emergency shelter for adults; and Martha Gares the manager of SIGN Housing Support.
To address and mitigate growing homelessness in Yorkton, the Society for the Involvement of Good Neighbours (SIGN) engaged Praxis Management Consulting to conduct a review of Yorkton’s homeless and hard-to-house population. The comprehensive review was started in December 2020 and completed in May 2021.
The data provided evidence that the hard-to-house and homelessness issue in Yorkton is worsening, and a solution is needed to correct the current path.
For more information or to set up an appointment:
Telephone: 306-783-0006
Program Manager: Call/text 306-641-4421
Housing Locator: Call/text 306-621-4241
Society for the Involvement of Good Neighbours
83 North St. Yorkton SK S3N 0G9 | Tel 306-783-9409 | Fax 306-786-7116
SIGN provides services to those who live on Treaty 4 territory, the ancestral lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dakota, Lakota, Nakota and the Métis Nation. We affirm our relationship to the treaties that are integral to the foundation of Canada and commit to honouring their spirit and intent. We respect the diverse histories, languages, and cultures of the many people who have lived on this land, and we commit to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous peoples and nations in a spirit of respect, reconciliation and collaboration.
Copyright © Society for the Involvement of Good Neighbours.
All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
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